8 Prayers Before Work

April 4, 2024

Key Takeaways

Prayer for guidanceAsk God to guide your decisions and actions at work
Prayer for strengthRequest God's strength and perseverance to overcome work challenges
Prayer of gratitudeThank God for your job and the ability to work
Prayer for relationshipsPray for positive relationships with coworkers and superiors
Prayer for excellenceAsk God to help you do your best and glorify Him through your work
Prayer for witnessingPray for opportunities to share your faith at work
Prayer of surrenderSurrender your workday to God's will and plan
Prayer for othersLift up your coworkers, clients and workplace in prayer

Prayers Before Work

Starting each workday with prayer is a powerful way to invite God into your job and align yourself with His will. Praying before work can provide guidance, strength, peace and purpose as you go about your daily tasks and face challenges. Here are eight impactful prayers to say before starting work:

1. A Prayer for God's Guidance

God, as I begin this workday, I pray that you would guide my thoughts, decisions and actions. Give me wisdom and discernment in my work. Help me to listen for your still small voice directing me. May I walk in a manner worthy of You and Your purposes for my job. In Jesus' name, amen.

2. A Prayer for Strength and Perseverance

Lord, some days my work feels difficult and discouraging. I pray that You would fill me with Your strength today. Empower me through Your Spirit to persevere and not give up. Renew my energy, enthusiasm and commitment so I can keep putting forth my best effort. Thank you that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Amen.

3. A Prayer of Gratitude for Work

Heavenly Father, I give you praise today for the gift of work. Thank you for my job which allows me to provide for myself and my family. Thank you for the skills, talents and abilities you've given me to contribute at my workplace. I'm grateful for the opportunity to glorify You through my labor. In your Son's name I pray, amen.

4. A Prayer for Work Relationships

God, I lift up my relationships at work to you today. I pray for my coworkers, colleagues, bosses, employees, and clients. Help me to treat everyone with kindness, respect, forgiveness and Christlike love. Give me patience in dealing with challenging personalities and situations of conflict. Provide me with favor and positive rapport. May my interactions with others be a testimony of your goodness. Amen.

5. A Prayer for Excellence in Work

Lord, Your Word says to work heartily at whatever I do, as for You and not for men. I pray that you would motivate me to do my work with excellence today. Help me to be diligent, responsible, honest and hardworking. May I perform my job to the best of my ability, so that my work brings glory and praise to You. In Christ's name, amen.

6. A Prayer for Opportunities to Witness at Work

God, I pray for opportunities to be a witness for Christ at my job. Give me openings to share my faith, plant seeds, and testify to the good news of the gospel. Let my words and actions display Your love to my coworkers. Give me boldness and courage to speak up for what I believe. Use me to point others towards Jesus. Amen.

7. A Prayer of Surrender

Heavenly Father, I surrender this workday to You. I give You my agenda, my to-do list, my projects and priorities. I trust that Your plan for my day is better than my own. Help me to be flexible and open to Your interruptions. May I walk in a continual awareness of Your presence at my job. Have Your way in my work, Lord. In Jesus' name, amen.

8. A Prayer for Others at Work

Lord, I lift up my workplace to you today. I pray for Your blessing, protection and favor to be upon my company, coworkers, bosses, employees, clients and colleagues. I ask that you would touch the lives of those I work with, meeting their needs and drawing them closer to You. Use me as an instrument of Your love, compassion and grace to the people at my job. In Christ's name, amen.

Finding Guidance

If you are in need help of learning how to pray or with establishing prayer as a daily habit, check out our list of the best Christian prayer apps to help on your journey.


Starting your workday with these eight prayers can invite God's power and presence into your job. No matter what your day holds, you can face it with God at the center, guiding and empowering you every step of the way. Bookmark this list of prayers and try praying through them each morning before work.

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