What is Followership?

August 8, 2024

Key Takeaways

Main pointsDescription
DefinitionFollowership is the active support and collaboration with leaders
ImportanceEffective followers are crucial for team and organizational success
SkillsKey followership skills include active listening, teamwork, and reliability
BenefitsGood followership leads to personal growth and career advancement
Biblical perspectiveScripture provides examples and guidance on being a faithful follower
Tech relevanceFollowership is essential in fast-paced, collaborative tech environments

Decoding followership

Througout our careers, we often come to focus on leadership skills and how to climb the corporate ladder. But have you ever stopped to consider the power of followership? This often-overlooked skill is just as crucial for success in the tech industry, especially for those working in faith-based organizations. In this article, we'll explore what followership is, why it matters, and how you can develop this vital skill to enhance your career in tech.

What is followership?

Followership is the act of actively supporting and working alongside leaders to achieve common goals. It's not about being passive or subservient. Instead, good followers are engaged, proactive, and essential to the success of any team or organization. In the workplace, followership means:

  1. Supporting your leaders' vision and decisions
  2. Taking initiative to solve problems
  3. Being a reliable team player
  4. Offering constructive feedback and ideas
  5. Completing tasks efficiently and effectively

Followership is particularly important in the tech industry, where rapid changes and collaborative projects are the norm. Whether you're an entry-level programmer or a senior software engineer, understanding and practicing good followership can set you apart in your career.

Why followership matters

In the context of Christians with tech careers, followership takes on added significance. Here's why:

  1. Reflects Christian values: Good followership aligns with Christian principles of humility, integrity, service, and teamwork.
  2. Enhances team dynamics: Effective followers create a positive work environment and help teams function smoothly.
  3. Supports leadership: Strong followers make leaders more effective by providing support, encouragement, and honest feedback.
  4. Prepares for future leadership: Many great leaders start as excellent followers, learning valuable skills along the way.
  5. Contributes to organizational success: When everyone practices good followership, the entire organization benefits.

Skills of effective followers in tech

To be a good follower in the tech industry, you need to develop certain skills. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Active listening: Pay attention to instructions, feedback, and team discussions.
  2. Teamwork: Collaborate effectively with others, regardless of their role or position.
  3. Reliability: Consistently deliver high-quality work on time.
  4. Problem-solving: Take initiative to find solutions to challenges.
  5. Adaptability: Be flexible and open to change in the fast-paced tech world.
  6. Positive attitude: Maintain an optimistic outlook, even when facing difficulties.
  7. Technical proficiency: Stay up-to-date with relevant technologies and best practices.

Benefits of good followership in your career

Developing strong followership skills can benefit your career in numerous ways:

  • Increased learning opportunities: Good followers often have the chance to learn from experienced leaders and colleagues.
  • Enhanced reputation: Reliable, supportive team members gain respect from both peers and superiors.
  • Greater job satisfaction: Contributing positively to your team's success can lead to a more fulfilling work experience.
  • Career advancement: Many of the skills developed through followership are also essential for leadership roles.
  • Stronger professional relationships: Good followers often build solid networks within their organizations.

Followership in the Bible

The Bible provides numerous examples of good followership that can inspire us in our tech careers:

  1. Joshua and Moses: Joshua faithfully supported Moses before becoming a leader himself (Exodus 24:13).
  2. The disciples and Jesus: The twelve disciples followed Jesus, learning from him before spreading his teachings (Matthew 4:19-20).
  3. Timothy and Paul: Timothy followed Paul's guidance and eventually became a church leader (1 Timothy 1:2).

These biblical examples show us that being a good follower can prepare us for future leadership roles and help us fulfill God's purpose for our lives.

How to improve your followership skills

Want to become a better follower in your career? Try these practical tips:

  1. Listen actively: Pay close attention during meetings and when receiving instructions.
  2. Ask questions: Seek clarification when needed to ensure you understand tasks and expectations.
  3. Offer help: Support your teammates, especially during busy periods or challenging projects.
  4. Take ownership: Be responsible for your work and its impact on the team's goals.
  5. Embrace feedback: Be open to constructive criticism and use it to improve your skills.
  6. Support your leaders: Align your efforts with your team's objectives and your organization's mission.
  7. Share ideas respectfully: Offer suggestions and insights in a constructive, humble manner.
  8. Stay current: Keep learning about new technologies and industry trends to remain valuable to your team.

Followership examples in different tech roles

Good followership is crucial across various tech roles:

  • Web development: Collaborate effectively with designers, backend developers, and project managers.
  • Data science: Work closely with analysts, engineers, and business stakeholders to deliver insights.
  • Tech lead: Even in leadership positions, you'll need to follow the direction of higher-level executives or clients.

Remember, most tech professionals switch between leadership and followership roles throughout their careers. Being skilled at both makes you a more versatile and valuable team member.


Followership is a vital skill in any job, especially in the fast-paced, collaborative world of Christian tech careers. By developing strong followership skills, you can contribute significantly to your team's success, grow in your career, and prepare for future leadership roles. Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience, focusing on followership can help you thrive in your tech career while living out your faith in the workplace.

Learn more about Christian jobs that intersect with technology at Christian Tech Jobs. Whether you're exploring careers in faith-based organizations, hiring Christian talent, or seeking to combine your tech skills with your spiritual values, find your path in a place where technology and faith meet.

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